What to expect when you visit our office


Hi, my name is Amy Sakol. My role in the office, aside from writing blogs, is legal assistant and office manager. As you might have guessed by my last name, I am Barre’s wife. Barre and I have worked together for about 5 years. We are one of those crazy couples who can work together and, at the end of the day, we still like each other. The truth is we love working together and we’re a great team.

If you’ve never been to an attorney’s office before, or even if you have, you will likely feel nervous and uncertain about meeting with Barre for the first time. Hopefully, this information will help you feel a little more at ease before you come to see us.

For starters, our office is easy to find, conveniently located near the Boulder County Justice Center, and we have free parking. See the “Contact Us” page for a map and directions. We share an office suite with other attorneys who have become like family to us—this makes coming to the office every day a pleasure.

When you first arrive in our reception area you will be greeted with a smile by one of our friendly assistants, Cathy Pai or Anne Marie Summers. Cathy and Anne Marie have a natural ability to make people feel welcome and comfortable. They will get you situated with a cup of coffee or tea and, if you have to wait for a few minutes, you will have a variety of reading materials at your fingertips. For those of you with a sweet tooth, we are always stocked up on peanut M&Ms.

As you may have seen on our “Canine Companion” page, we have an office dog named Teddy. He primarily hangs out in my office, but he’s also very adept at calming nerves and putting a smile on your face—especially if you give him a treat. It’s amazing to watch a person’s stress level drop when they pet Teddy.

If you are coming to us for an initial consultation, you can expect the visit to last approximately 60-75 minutes. We find that it’s necessary to spend this much time so that Barre has time to answer all your questions and to educate you about your rights and how the law works in Colorado.

When you leave our office we believe you will have the knowledge and confidence to decide whether or not you want to hire an attorney and whether the right attorney for you is Barre.

To schedule a free consultation, call (720) 999-9506.
